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Academic-Style Research

How to Deal with Corporate Governance in Asia

In many stock markets around the world there are legislation and/or listing rules that ensure some level of shareholder protection and corporate governance. In Asia this is not always the case and the level of corporate governance varies considerably between countries.

In this research we consider the state of corporate governance in Asia and give some thoughts on how to analyze the corporate governance of a company in a location where there are no corporate governance code or reports.

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Profitable Growth is What Matters for Long-Term Value

World Class Benchmarking measures the financial performance of a company through Profitable Growth. Our database includes about 27,000 companies worldwide and each company is benchmarked versus all its global sector peers.

Learn more about it in this post, and why Profitable Growth is what matters to you as an investor.

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Does High Risk Mean High Return?

This A. Stotz Academic-Style Research focus on answering the question: Does high risk mean high return?

CAPM suggests that beta is a measure of risk and that a high-beta stock should yield a higher return than a low-beta stock. Our findings suggest something different…

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The 10 Best and Worst Days: Korea

This A. Stotz academic-style research focus on trying to understand the impact of being out of the Korean market on either the best or the worst days. We also look at clustering trying to figure out why you would be out of the market on those days. Missing only The 10 Best or Worst Days can have huge impact on your terminal wealth.

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The 10 Best Days Is Not a Myth

Behavioral economics teaches us that our emotions play a major part in our trading. This A. Stotz academic-style research answers the question: What would the impact on terminal wealth be if an investor missed the 10 best-return days in the U.S. market over a 10-year period?

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