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Investment Research

Why Are Korean Stocks So Cheap?

My recent time in Korea refreshed my mind about the beauty of Asia—the contrasts. Being a financial analyst at heart, I was searching for answers to questions, such as: Why has the Korean stock market been so cheap, for so long? Is this going to reverse (Providing a great buying opportunity)? My short answer: Small changes are coming, but don’t expect the structure of society to change; and, like the Thai smile, expect the “Korea Discount” to remain for the near future.

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Your Newborn’s College Education will Cost at Least $2,000 per Year

The cost of a US public university education for a child born today will be about $80,000. A parent could invest about $2,000 the year their child is born, and increase that contribution by 5% each year to make sure that child can go to university. They could do this by buying a broad market fund or ETF depending on what suits their situation, and contributing money every year.

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