All Weather Strategy: The All Weather Strategy outperformed World equity in January as Asia Pacific ex Japan and Emerging markets continued strongly. Western markets await new catalysts, and China drives the East. Our equity target allocation is at the strategy maximum of 85%.
Read MoreIn January 2021, We published 20 new episodes of the My Worst Investment Ever podcast. Listen to all of them here and read my takeaways.
Read MoreCJ CheilJedang Corporation (097950 KS): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was up compared to the prior period’s 10th rank. This is World Class performance compared to 600 large Cons. Staples companies worldwide.
Read MorePT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO IJ): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was up compared to the prior period’s 7th rank. This is World Class performance compared to 810 large Materials companies worldwide.
Read More#FFF: TSHPIT (Thank Some Higher Power It’s Thursday)! That means tomorrow is Friday weekday warriors. To help you in your waiting, let’s release some endorphins by having a laugh or two.
Read MoreAsian Sea Corporation Public Company Limited (ASIAN TB): Profitable Growth rank of 2 was up compared to the prior period’s 5th rank. This is World Class performance compared to 510 medium Cons. Staples companies worldwide.
Read MoreChart of the Day: We look at rolling 5-year periods starting each month since December 1991 for four asset classes, namely, equity, bonds, commodities, and gold. From this, we can get an idea about the probability of, for example, losing money or earning double-digit returns in each of the four asset classes.
Read MoreFGV Holdings Berhad (FGV MK): Profitable Growth rank of 7 was up compared to the prior period’s 8th rank. This is below average performance compared to 600 large Cons. Staples companies worldwide.
Read MoreAre you interested in growing your hard-earned money in the stock market but feel overwhelmed with the idea of investing? Do you want to learn how to invest but don’t know where to start? This article presents 9 courses to help simplify the concept of building wealth through the stock market to start investing today!
Read MoreChart of the Day: Given our expectation of a falling US$, we expect commodities to rise in the next 5 years. We also see economic recovery as a driver.
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