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Become a Better Investor Newsletter – 22 March 2025

Noteworthy this week

  • Gold >US$3,000/oz t
  • Money flowing out of the US
  • Trump tariffs are still low
  • Young pessimism
  • Currency risk is real

Gold >US$3,000/oz t: Gold has recorded new ATHs, above US$3,000/oz t for the first time in history. What’s next? US$3,500/oz t? >US$4,000/oz t? Or have we already peaked?

Money flowing out of the US: Fund managers just reduced their wights to US stocks at the fastest pace in history. Foreign governments and pension funds may do the same.

Trump tariffs are still low: To put things into perspective, Trump’s tariffs are still tiny in context to the rest of the G20. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think tariffs are good, but we should look at facts, not the media narrative.

Young pessimism: Americans aged 15-29 don’t have a very optimistic view of life and the world. Is the fourth turning here?

Currency risk is real: Sometimes it’s easy to forget that you also invest in a country’s currency when you buy foreign stocks. The Turkish lira has lost massively in value and crashed further this week after Erdogan arrested his main rival. No matter how good the business is, it’s hard to motivate taking on that kind of currency/country risk.

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Weekly market performance

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Chart of the week

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Podcasts we listened to this week


“Pico is a famed author & speaker whose TED talks have been viewed about 12 million times. Here, he discusses his new book, ‘Aflame,’ which explores how to find peace of mind, happiness & clarity amid extreme uncertainty & accelerating change. This episode is a masterclass on creating a richer, wiser, happier life while living by what Warren Buffett calls an inner scorecard.”

Listen to the episode.

Readings this week

Beautiful vs. Practical Advice

“I heard a phrase recently: ‘Magazine architect.’ It’s a derisive term architects use for their colleagues who design buildings that look beautiful, grace magazine covers, and win awards, but lack functionality for the tenants. A lot of financial advice is beautiful and intelligent but has no practical purpose for the person receiving it.”

Read the article.

Book recommendation

Lean Marketing: More leads. More profit. Less marketing. by Allan Dib

“The lean movement has transformed manufacturing and is now revolutionizing marketing. Small, medium, and large businesses are getting bigger and better results with less marketing.”

Get the book on Audible or Kindle.

Audible is great; have you tried it? If not, click here to get 2 books for free.

Memes of the week

New My Worst Investment Ever episodes

Ep800: Wes Schaeffer – Future-Proofing Your Business: Trust, Strategy, and Agility

BIO: Wes Schaeffer is The Business Fixer®. He sees the message you want to convey but can’t find the words and gives them to you because if you don’t toot your own horn, there is no music.

STORY: Wes discusses the evolving landscape of business and marketing, emphasizing the importance of human connection, trust, and information.

LEARNING: Future-proof your business with trust, strategy, and agility.

Access the episode’s show notes and resources

Published on Become a Better Investor this week

In this episode of Enrich Your Future, Andrew and Larry Swedroe discuss Larry’s new book, Enrich Your Future: The Keys to Successful Investing. In this series, they discuss Chapter 26: Dollar Cost Averaging.

Listen to Enrich Your Future 26: Should You Invest Now or Spread It Out?

Duc Giang Chemicals Group Joint Stock Company (DGC VN): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was same compared to the prior period’s 1st rank. This is World Class performance compared to 420 medium Cons. Staples companies worldwide.

Read Duc Giang Chemicals Group – World Class Benchmarking

Regional Container Lines Public Company Limited (RCL TB): Profitable Growth rank of 2 was up compared to the prior period’s 7th rank. This is World Class performance compared to 1,410 large Industrials companies worldwide.

Read Regional Container Lines – World Class Benchmarking

LT Group Incorporated (LTG PM): Profitable Growth rank of 8 was same compared to the prior period’s 8th rank. This is below average performance compared to 1,410 large Industrials companies worldwide.

Read LT Group – World Class Benchmarking

PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITMG IJ): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was up compared to the prior period’s 2nd rank. This is World Class performance compared to 300 large Energy companies worldwide.

Read Indo Tambangraya Megah – World Class Benchmarking

DISCLAIMER: This content is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Readers should not consider statements made by the author(s) as formal recommendations and should consult their financial advisor before making any investment decisions. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. The author(s) cannot be held liable for any actions taken as a result of reading this article.