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Avoiding The 10 Worst Days Increases Your Return Massively

By A. Stotz Investment Research | Feb 5, 2016

We got a lot of comments from people saying they read The 10 Best Days, they liked it, it was helpful; we also started to get some questions, one in particular. So, this A. Stotz academic-style research answers the question: What impact would missing The 10 Worst Days in a 10-year period have on terminal wealth?

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The Value Investing Family Tree

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 5, 2016

We have a great selection for you this week. Check out Benjamin Graham’s legacy of significant value investors and the way they’ve shaped how we look at value investing. Read Larry Fink’s advice to companies to stop engaging in practices which can undermine your abilities to invest in the future. Join us looking at India and it’s rising stock popularity following the election of pro-business leader Narendra Modi in 2014. Avoid the herd instinct and more…

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Clustering of Best and Worst Days

By A. Stotz Investment Research | Jan 29, 2016

This post follows on from our previous 10 Best Days blog post. This A. Stotz academic-style research answers the question: How likely it is that an investor would miss the 10 best days?

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Hedge Your Bets and Balance Your Risk Profile

By Become a Better Investor | Jan 29, 2016

Week of January 25 – Top 5 of the Week. Those of you keeping up to date with the current state of the market will no doubt have heard the whispers and rumors of a stock market crash and a recession potentially looming ahead of us all again. We ask if the recent oil prices are of any consequence, and cast an examining eye over the condition of the Red Empire – China’s economy.

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The 10 Best Days Is Not a Myth

By A. Stotz Investment Research | Jan 29, 2016

Behavioral economics teaches us that our emotions play a major part in our trading. This A. Stotz academic-style research answers the question: What would the impact on terminal wealth be if an investor missed the 10 best-return days in the U.S. market over a 10-year period?

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Keep Emotions Out of It, Above All Don’t panic!

By Become a Better Investor | Jan 22, 2016
Top 5 of the Week of January 18 - Become a Better #Investor

Week of January 18 – Top 5 of the Week is a summarized collection of financial investment articles that we like and think you might like too. Each week we will keep you up to date with the top 5 articles worthy of your attention.

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DNA of a World Class Company Challenges Conventional Wisdom

By Andrew Stotz | Oct 12, 2015

The World Class Company Awards in Asia announced on October 10 revealed that two of the best companies in Asia are also the best in their sector globally. STP&I is one of them. From interviews with the company’s managing director, I’ve learned that the DNA of a World Class Company challenges conventional wisdom.

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4 Undervalued Country ETFs for a Volatile Global Marketplace

By Andrew Stotz | Sep 25, 2015

VIDEO BLOG: Today’s volatile global marketplace can leave investors feeling like there’s no safe bet for investing their money. However, while volatility certainly brings it’s share of risks, it also offers opportunity for the active investor, and by mitigating risks by investing in ETFs instead of single stocks, you can still do very well – provided you find the right ETFs.

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Is Thailand a Viable Investment Option?

By Andrew Stotz | Aug 25, 2015

VIDEO BLOG: It’s been a cataclysmic few weeks for markets in much of Asia, but it’s important to remember that there’s much more to the region than just China. For instance, Thailand and Taiwan could still represent worthwhile investment opportunities.

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A Tale of Two Health Companies: Bumrungrad vs ZMC

By Andrew Stotz | Aug 20, 2015

VIDEO BLOG: The healthcare sector has long been one of the most consistently solid performers around the globe. However, that certainly doesn’t mean that every health and medical investment is created equal – and that’s particularly true on a global scale. Take for instance Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand and Zhejiang Medicine Co. in China.

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