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My Worst Investment Ever June 2024

Enrich Your Future 03: Persistence of Performance: Athletes Versus Investment Managers

In this episode of Enrich Your Future, Andrew and Larry Swedroe discuss Larry’s new book, Enrich Your Future: The Keys to Successful Investing. In this series, they discuss Chapter 03: Persistence of Performance: Athletes Versus Investment Managers.

LEARNING: The nature of the competition in the investment arena is so different that conventional wisdom does not apply. What works in one paradigm does not necessarily work in another.

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Enrich Your Future 02: How Markets Set Prices

In this episode of Enrich Your Future, Andrew and Larry Swedroe discuss Larry’s new book, Enrich Your Future: The Keys to Successful Investing. In this series, they discuss Chapter 02: How Markets Set Prices.

LEARNING: Invest in passively managed funds and adopt a simple buy, hold, and rebalance strategy. While gamblers make bets, investors let the markets work for them, not against them.

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Ep787: Rizwan Memon – Have Enough Liquidity When Shorting Naked Calls

BIO: Rizwan Memon is the Founder and President of Riz International, a Canada-based financial education firm that helps thousands worldwide maximize their financial success through trading.

STORY: Rizwan shorted GameStop’s stock, believing the price wouldn’t exceed $300. However, when Elon Musk tweeted about GameStop, the price increased to $500. Rizwan suffered a $160,000 loss on a single trade.

LEARNING: When shorting naked calls, make sure you have enough liquidity. Control the amount of money you bet on any particular position. Don’t trade on emotions.

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Enrich Your Future 01: The Determinants of the Risk and Return of Stocks and Bonds

In this episode of Enrich Your Future, Andrew and Larry Swedroe discuss Larry’s new book, Enrich Your Future: The Keys to Successful Investing. In this series, they discuss Chapter 1: The Determinants of the Risk and Return of Stocks and Bonds.

LEARNING: Look for key metrics, traits, or characteristics that help them identify stocks that will outperform the market.

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DISCLAIMER: This content is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Readers should not consider statements made by the author(s) as formal recommendations and should consult their financial advisor before making any investment decisions. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. The author(s) cannot be held liable for any actions taken as a result of reading this article.