Posts by Andrew Stotz
The Bonds That Protect against Inflation
An investor recently told me that she was worried that the US stock market could crash and therefore she had increased her holdings of bonds. But then she told me that she was worried that inflation would rise and along with it interest rates.
Read MoreWhat Is Risk in the Stock Market?
In this video, I try to help you to understand risk in the stock market and if the stock market is too high. We use four main valuation measures.
Read MoreReal Estate Is Not an Investing Asset Class
The real estate you can buy in the US stock market does not act as a separate asset class. It will likely not provide you much protection from a market downturn.
Read MoreCOVID Targets the Old and Unhealthy; Young and Healthy Need Not Fear
Further breakdown of Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021 by Kompaniyets L, Pennington AF, Goodman AB, Rosenblum HG, Belay B, Ko JY, et al.
Read MoreCOVID Risk Factors Are Diabetes, Fear, and Age
Recent research in Preventing Chronic Disease: Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021 by Kompaniyets L, Pennington AF, Goodman AB, Rosenblum HG, Belay B, Ko JY, et al.
Read MoreHow to Prepare for a Stock Market Crash (Before It Happens)
I review five topics that you need to know to prepare for a stock market crash. Learn how to allocate to non-equity assets classes to reduce risk.
Read MoreInvest Now or Wait for a Stock Market Crash?
The US stock market is exceptionally high, but Investors think the market will do well over the long term. Buying stocks at this level of valuation has led to losses and low interest rates can’t help this market much more. A re-rating drove the recent strong performance, expect 3%, not 16% per year over the next 5 years.
Read MoreWill the Stock Market Eventually Crash?
In this video, I try to answer the following questions: Will the stock market crash like in 2008? Will the Fed crash the stock market? Will the stock market crash because of inflation? and many more.
Read MoreMy Worst Investment Ever August 2021
In August 2021, we published 13 new episodes of the My Worst Investment Ever podcast. Listen to all of them here.
Read MoreHow to Fight Back When Your Dreams Are Crushed
The trouble you face is not your fault, and I’m gonna show you how you can fight back. I challenge you to recommit to your dreams today!
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