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Emerging Markets–More Attractive in 2017

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 27, 2017

Global Equity FVMR Snapshot: Looking at ROE/PB, we can see that Emerging Markets are more attractive at 2017 8.2% ROE/PB than Developed Markets at 5.9%. Emerging Markets trade at a PEG ratio of only 0.8 (a rule of thumb is that below 1.0 is cheap).

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Stop Loss Truncates Downside & Increases Upside

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 27, 2017

Chart of the Day: We ran 1,000 simulations of a randomly selected 10-stock portfolio from a global universe. Stop loss truncates the downside and increases the upside.

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Who Is the Greatest Stock Picker?

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 24, 2017
Top 5 of the Week of February 20 - Become a #betterinvestor

In our Top 5 this week, we ask who is the greatest stock picker, wonder at this month’s market streak, and reveal why we believe broker’s lies. All this and more…

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Learning Valuation: China High Speed Transmission Equipment Group

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 24, 2017

Educational valuation example: China High Speed Transmission Group Company Limited has a large market share of transmission gears used in wind power projects built in China.

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Philippines & Indonesia Had a High ‘Dream Factor’

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 24, 2017

Chart of the Day: We consider five components of stock market return: Inflation, dividend yield, real book-value growth, share dilution and the “Dream Factor”.

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10 Stocks Reduces Risk by 80% in Asia

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 23, 2017

Chart of the Day: At 10 stocks you have reduced risk by 80%. Adding more than 30 stocks to your portfolio gives limited additional benefits though.

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PCB Maker’s Profits Soar under Heir’s Direction

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 22, 2017

Founded in 1982, KCE Electronics Public Company Limited develops, manufactures and distributes printed circuit boards (PCBs) and inks for circuit boards, as well as recycling the chemicals used in making PCBs. KCE ranks among the best 117 of 1,170 medium-sized Info Tech companies worldwide

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Diversification Is a Balancing Act

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 22, 2017

Chart of the Day: Diversification is necessary to reduce risk, but too much diversification reduces chances of outperformance. It is a balance between risk and return.

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China Communications Services Is Still Average

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 21, 2017

China Communications Services Corporation Limited’s (CCS) customers include the “Big 3” Chinese Telecoms: China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom. Profitable Growth has been below average at CCS until the past 12 months.

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Ranked among the Top 14 Small Utilities Worldwide

By Become a Better Investor | Feb 20, 2017

TPC Power Holding PCL focuses on electricity generation and distribution from biomass. TPCH ranks among the best 14 of 140 small Utilities companies globally.

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