After making ice buckets in his youth in Chonburi on Thailand’s eastern seaboard and then as a goldsmith in Bangkok, Thongma Vijitpongpun went back to night school to finish his high school education. In 1993, he founded Pruksa and built it into one of Thailand’s largest property developers.
Read MorePlan B Media Public Company Limited (PLANB TB): Profitable Growth rank of 2 was down compared to the prior period’s 1st rank. This is World Class performance compared to 1,220 medium Cons. Disc. companies worldwide.
Read MorePT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk (ICBP IJ): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was up compared to the prior period’s 2nd rank. This is World Class performance compared to 570 large Cons. Staples companies worldwide.
Read MoreCarlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad (CAB MK): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was same compared to the prior period’s 1st rank. This is World Class performance compared to 490 medium Cons. Staples companies worldwide.
Read MoreBermaz Auto Berhad (BAUTO MK): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was same compared to the prior period’s 1st rank. This is World Class performance compared to 1,220 medium Cons. Disc. companies worldwide.
Read MoreSeafco Public Company Limited (SEAFCO TB): Profitable Growth rank of 1 was same compared to the prior period’s 1st rank. This is World Class performance compared to 780 small Industrials companies worldwide.
Read MoreTTW Public Company Limited (TTW TB): Profitable Growth rank of 2 was same compared to the prior period’s 2nd rank. This is World Class performance compared to 150 medium Utilities companies worldwide.
Read MoreMONEY FM 89.3: Andrew Stotz is guest on Across the ASEAN to discuss the Thai market and warnings on Asian profit margins.
Read MoreRojana Industrial Park Public Company Limited (ROJNA TB): Profitable Growth rank of 7 was up compared to the prior period’s 9th rank. This is below average performance compared to 320 medium Real Estate companies worldwide.
Read MoreGFPT Public Company Limited (GFPT TB): Profitable Growth rank of 4 was up compared to the prior period’s 6th rank. This is above average performance compared to 500 medium Consumer Staples companies worldwide.
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