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My Worst Investment Ever April 2024

ISMS 41: Larry Swedroe – Focus on Managing Risk Not Returns

In this episode of Investment Strategy Made Simple (ISMS), Andrew gets into part two of his discussion with Larry Swedroe: Ignorance is Bliss. Today, they discuss three chapters of Larry’s book Investment Mistakes Even Smart Investors Make and How to Avoid Them. In this series, they discuss mistake number 32: Are You Subject to the Money Illusion? Mistake 33: Do You Believe Demographics Are Destiny? And mistake 34: Do You Follow a Prudent Process When Choosing a Financial Advisory Firm?

LEARNING: Understand how the money illusion works to avoid making financial mistakes. Focus on managing risk and not trying to manage returns. Past performance is meaningless for active managers.

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Ep782: Chris Ball – If They’re Not 100% Right, Don’t Hire Them

BIO: Chris Ball started his career in 2004 as a tax adviser with KPMG LLP. He then transitioned and founded Hoxton Capital Management in 2018. The group’s sole emphasis is helping HNW and UHNW clients with borderless global financial advice. Chris’ specialty is assisting individuals with their retirement planning needs.

STORY: When Chris started his career young and fresh, he got into spread betting. That didn’t go so well, and he lost 10,000 pounds, which was a lot of money in 2008. In terms of business, he wasted over $750,000 on bad hiring decisions.

LEARNING: Don’t enter markets that you don’t understand. If someone is not 100% right, don’t hire them.

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Ep781: Vivek Raina – Nobody Can Beat You at What You’re Good At

BIO: Vivek Raina is a seasoned veteran with over two decades of experience in the broadband industry. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Excitel, he leads the mission to connect BHARAT, propelling the company to the top three ISPs in India—a remarkable feat in just eight years.

STORY: Vivek spent 10 years finding an investor to fund his business idea. He wishes he had spent these years advancing his corporate career.

LEARNING: Working for somebody is fragile. Every failure teaches you something and makes you a better version of yourself. Do something you’re passionate about.

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Ep780: William Cohan – Power Failure: The Rise and Fall of An American Icon

BIO: William D. Cohan, a former senior Wall Street M&A investment banker for 17 years at Lazard Frères & Co., Merrill Lynch, and JPMorgan Chase, is the New York Times bestselling author of seven nonfiction narratives, including his most recent book, Power Failure: The Rise and Fall of An American Icon.

STORY: William discusses lessons from his most recent book, which is a story of General Electric (GE), a former global company with facilities worldwide. In his book, William focuses on former GE CEO Jack Welch, who took over the company in 1981 and increased its market value from $12 billion to $650 billion. This company became one of the world’s most valuable and respected companies, and then it all fell apart.

LEARNING: Leadership matters. You are not always right. Achieve the numbers in an ethical manner.

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DISCLAIMER: This content is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Readers should not consider statements made by the author(s) as formal recommendations and should consult their financial advisor before making any investment decisions. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. The author(s) cannot be held liable for any actions taken as a result of reading this article.