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ISMS 14: Regional Interest Rates – Low in Asia, Egypt and Frontiers on Fire

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Developed Market Regions – ST rates about to peak, LT rates are falling, inverted yield curve in DM Americas and Europe widened

Interest rate overview

  • DM Americas 3m yield 4.8%, DM Europe 3%, DM Pacific much lower at 1.1%
  • DM Americas 1yr yield 4.6%, DM Europe 2.8%, DM Pacific same as 3m yield at 1.1%
  • DM Americas 10yr yield 3.5%, DM Europe 2.9%, DM Pacific 1.4% is higher than 3m and 1yr yield, normal yield curve

Year-on-year changes

  • Biggest rise of 3m yield in Developed America
    • World 3m yield was up 3.2ppts, DM Americas up 4.3ppts, DM Europe up 3.3ppts, DM Pacific up 1.1ppts
  • Following 3m yield, 1yr yield YoY changes were most prominent in DM Americas and DM Europe
    • World 1yr yield was up 1.9ppts, DM Americas up 3ppts, DM Europe up 2.9ppts, DM Pacific up 0.8ppts
  • 10yr yield in DM Europe and DM Americas widened fastest, little movement in DM Pacific
    • World 10yr yield was up 0.9ppts, DM Americas up 1.2ppts, DM Europe up 1.8ppts, DM Pacific up 0.4ppts

Rate progression

  • 3m yield has risen most aggressively in DM Americas
    • DM Europe yield moved at a similar pace to World
    • DM Pacific yield only rose slightly, widening the 3m interest rate differential to other DM regions
  • Unlike World, 1yr yield has fallen in all DM regions in March 2023
  • 10yr yield in DM Americas and DM Europe moved up simultaneously
    • DM Pacific 10yr yield stayed almost flat
    • All DM 10yr rates fell MoM in March

Yield curve

  • DM Americas yield curve has inverted the most among all DM regions
    • In March 2023, the 3m yield was 1.3ppts higher than the 10yr yield
    • The degree of inversion is similar to World
  • DM Europe yield curve just inverted in March 2023
    • The yield curve turned to negative territory as the 10yr yield dropped in March by 0.4ppts compared to February
    • Though the inversion is much less extreme compared to World
  • DM Pacific sees flattening yield curve over the past 12 months, but remains positive
    • As of March 2023, the long-term 10yr yield was 0.3ppts higher compared to the short-term 3m yield
    • One year earlier, the difference was 0.9ppts

Key points

  • ST rates in DM Americas and Europe risen more aggressively than World, DM Pacific much slower
  • Small increases in LT rate in all DM regions YoY, but fell MoM
  • DM Pacific maintains a positive yield curve while inversion worsened in DM Americas and Europe

Emerging Market Regions – Massive ST rate hikes in ME&A and Frontier, LT rates more stable, no yield curve inversion in Asia

Interest rate overview

  • EM Americas 3m yield 12.7%, EM Asia 3.2%, EM Europe 14.6%, EM ME&A 52.7%, Frontier markets 23%
  • EM Americas 1yr yield 12.6%, EM Asia 3.2%, EM Europe 9.4%, EM ME&A at 23% is half 3m rate, Frontier markets 17.1%
  • EM Americas 10yr yield 11.2%, EM Asia 3.6%, EM Europe 8.8%, EM ME&A 10yr yield  at 15.4%, 1/3rd of 3m rate, Frontier markets 10yr yield 11.9%, half 1yr

Year-on-year changes

  • 3m yield has risen in all EM regions; it was most extreme in ME&A and Frontier markets
    • EM Americas 3m yield was up 3.1ppts, EM Asia up 0.9ppts, EM Europe up 0.3ppts, EM ME&A 3m yield was up 43.2ppts, Frontier 3m yield was up 10.6ppts
  • 1yr yield saw a rise in all EM regions YoY, except in EM Europe
    • EM Americas 1yr yield was up 1.8ppts, EM Asia up 0.8ppts, EM Europe down 3ppts, EM ME&A up 9.2ppts, Frontier up 4.3ppts
  • 10yr yield surged in all EM regions, except EM Europe
    • EM Americas 10yr yield was up 1ppts, EM Asia up 0.1ppts, EM Europe down 2.7ppts, EM ME&A up 2.7ppts, Frontier up 3.4ppts

Rate progression

  • 3m yield has moved in different directions among EM regions
    • ME&A and Frontier saw extreme increases in their 3m rates mainly driven by Egypt
    • EM Asia and EM Europe actually stayed flat over the past 12 months
  • Spotlight on Egypt Inflation went from 9% to 32% in 12 months
    • Russia and Ukraine account for 80% of Egypt’s wheat imports
    • Since the war, import prices  skyrocketed
    • 50% currency devaluation in 2016 and another 50% since March 2022
  • 1yr yield in all EM regions higher than World, except Asia
  • 10yr yield in EM regions were less fluctuating
    • All EM regions have a higher long-term 10y yield than World

Yield curve

  • EM Americas yield curve inverted slightly more than World
  • EM Asia yield curve is the only EM regions which didn’t see an inversion of its yield curve yet
    • Though, the yield curve has flattened over time
    • In March, the difference between the 10y yield and 3m yield was just 0.4ppts
    • One year earlier, the difference stood at 1.2ppts
  • EM Europe yield curve inversion more than doubled over the past 12 months
    • In March 2023, the long-term yield was 5.8ppts higher than the 3m yield
    • 12 months ago, the difference was only 2.8ppts
  • EM ME&A yield curve has massive inversion
    • Given the aggressive increase in 3m yield, the inversion amounted to 37.4ppts in March 2023
    • This compared to no inversion one year ago
  • Frontier yield curve stays inverted in March 2023, but a bit less MoM

Key points

  • ST rates exploded in ME&A and Frontier, EM Asia and Europe were more cautious in raising ST rates
  • LT rates of all EM regions rose and remained above World; only EM Europe saw falling yield YoY
  • Asia remains the sole EM region with no yield curve inversion, inversion looks painful for EM Europe, ME&A, and Frontier


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