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Andrew Stotz on Money Talk

By Become a Better Investor | Jun 2, 2017

Andrew Stotz was guest on Money Talk talking about his view on investing and his career in the financial industry. Hosted by legendary Dr. Paiboon.

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Become a Great Presenter and Increase Your Influence for CFA Japan

By Become a Better Investor | Jun 1, 2017

Pictures from Become a Great Presenter and Increase Your Influence for CFA Japan in Tokyo on 1 June 2017.

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Asian Companies Have Less Debt than the World, USA Companies are Highly Leveraged

By Andrew Stotz | Jun 1, 2017
Asian Companies Have Less #Debt than the World, USA Companies are Highly Leveraged

Chart of the Day: World level of net debt-to-equity is 56%, USA relatively high at 75%. Asia has lower risk at 42%. Philippines highest gearing in Asia at 113%, Taiwan lowest in Asia at 25%.

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Thailand Return on Assets Strongest in Health Care Sector

By Andrew Stotz | May 31, 2017
Thailand Return on Assets Strongest in #HealthCare Sector

Chart of the Day: Thailand’s 2016 return on assets a strong 5.2%. The best 2016 return on assets was in the Health Care sector, worst was Industrials sector.

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How to Make Your Company Financially World Class for University of Salzburg

By Become a Better Investor | May 30, 2017

Pictures from How to Make Your Company Financially World Class for University of Salzburg at Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Bangkok, Thailand on 30 May 2017.

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Global Return on Assets of 4% and Asia at 3%

By Andrew Stotz | May 30, 2017
Global Return on Assets of 4%, #Asia at 3%, #Thailand at 6%

Chart of the Day: Return on assets tells how much profit a company generates from the assets in place. Good for comparing companies in an industry. Disregards how the assets were financed.

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Korea & Indonesia Appear Most Attractive in Asia

By Andrew Stotz | May 29, 2017
Korea & Indonesia Appear Most Attractive in #Asia

Chart of the Day: Korea tops the list driven by cheap valuation, good price and fundamental momentum, and relatively low volatility. Indonesia has the highest ROE in Asia and moderately strong price momentum.

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Porter’s Five Forces That Shape Business Strategy

By Andrew Stotz | May 29, 2017

Michael E. Porter’s five forces analysis is a framework for understanding the degree of competition in an industry. Strong forces drive down industry profitability.
The five forces model acknowledges that a company operates in a system of suppliers, customers, and existing competitors.

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Just Stay Out of the Water

By Become a Better Investor | May 26, 2017
Top 5 of the Week of May 22 - Become a #betterinvestor

In our Top 5 this week, we discuss how to avoid major company scandals, discover why you should say “No” to angel investing, and examine the ‘illusion of wealth’. All this and more…

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Can Change in Asset Turnover Predict Future Return?

By A. Stotz Investment Research | May 25, 2017

In this Academic-Style Research we tested a fundamental factor, change in asset turnover, on a global universe of stocks. Asset turnover is a measure of efficiency, the ratio analyzes how efficient a company is in the use of its assets.

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