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Financials Haven’t Added to Return in Asia over the past 10 Years

By Andrew Stotz | Oct 24, 2017

Chart of the Day: We separated financial companies from non-financial companies in Asia ex Japan. Return has been pretty much the same. Volatility was slightly higher for Financials, and it was highly correlated.

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Strong Fundamentals in Developed Americas

By Andrew Stotz | Oct 23, 2017

Chart of the Day: Emerging Europe has been strong in the past 12 months in terms of net margin. Developed Americas has been strongest in terms of asset turnover.

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Have the Right Eggs in Your Basket

By Become a Better Investor | Oct 20, 2017
Top 5 of the Week of October 16 - Become a #betterinvestor

In our Top 5 this week, we discover why value investors should look at startups, which market myths affect investors, and who the activist investors of the today are. All this and more…

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Impressive Growth in Asian Merchandise Exports

By Andrew Stotz | Oct 19, 2017

Chart of the Day: Merchandise export was slow for the past three years. In 6M17, Asia ex Japan booked a very high growth at 40% YoY vs the World of 9.5%.

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Asia ex Japan Contributes 60% of Global Merchandise Exports

By Andrew Stotz | Oct 18, 2017

Chart of the Day: Global merchandise exports at US$250bn, Asia ex Japan contributes 61% of world value. Merchandise exports are retail goods exported to foreign markets.

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Semirara Mining & Power Corp. – Fan Request

By Become a Better Investor | Oct 17, 2017

Philippines on Demand: A fan requested to see the World Class Benchmarking of Semirara Mining & Power Corp., so here it is. Profitable Growth has been World Class since 2013, driven by a very high Profit margin.

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Risk in Asia: India Has the Highest Gearing

By Andrew Stotz | Oct 16, 2017

Chart of the Day: India has the highest gearing measured as net debt-to-equity, followed by the Philippines. Taiwan’s low gearing is explained by its large Info Tech sector.

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What Dreams Are Made Of

By Become a Better Investor | Oct 13, 2017
Top 5 of the Week of October 9 - Become a #betterinvestor

In our Top 5 this week, examine the popularity of cryptocurrencies, discover the problem of ‘presentism’, and look at the challenges quality-value investors face. All this and more…

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Taiwan Equity FVMR Snapshot

By Become a Better Investor | Oct 13, 2017

NEW RELEASE: The Taiwan Equity FVMR Snapshot gives a weekly update of the Fundamentals, Valuation, Momentum, and Risk of the Taiwanese market.

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Investment Opportunities in APAC at 2017 Taiwan Investment Conference

By Become a Better Investor | Oct 12, 2017

Andrew Stotz, PhD, CFA moderator of the panel discussion on Investment Opportunities in APAC at the 2017 Taiwan Investment Conference. Markets discussed: India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

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