Investment Research
Majority of Investors Drive their Portfolios without a Diversification Seatbelt
It’s a choice that’s nearly a matter of financial life or death. Deciding the right number of stocks to hold in your portfolio is a balance between risk and return – too few and your risk is high, too many and you might as well own a broad market fund or ETF. Research shows that the average active investor owns only two! That’s far too low.
Read MoreTrading is Still Hazardous to Your Wealth
So you think you are an above-average investor? Svenson (1981) asked Americans and Swedes whether they were above-average drivers. His findings were that more than 90% of Americans and about 70% of Swedes thought of themselves to be more skillful drivers than the average. The impossibility of these perceptions demonstrates the existence of overconfidence bias among humans.
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