Investors use a number of techniques to evaluate stocks before making a trade or long-term investment decision. The two core techniques used can broadly be divided into fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
Read MoreSupermax Corporation Berhad is a Malaysian investment holding company focused on manufacturing and distribution of medical gloves. Since November 2017, there have been many changes in management and it’s currently unclear who is going to manage the company going forward.
Read MoreWhen forecasting deviations from that trend, have a strong reason and tell the accompanying narrative accurately. There’s nothing wrong with forecasting a change or a difference from the past—just be able to back up your analysis. What a great opportunity to tell the story that you’re seeing!
Read MorePT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk is the largest manufacturer of paper pulp, paper, and other paper-related products by sales in Indonesia and one of the largest in the world. Profitable Growth has shown a good trend since 2014.
Read MorePT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk is the biggest coal mining company in Indonesia. Profitable Growth has consistently ranked in the top 10% which is among the top 33 out of 330 large Energy companies worldwide.
Read MoreEstablished in 1996, PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk is an importer, distributor, and retailer of telecommunication devices. Growth has shown an improving trend and ranked at #5 in the past 12 months.
Read MoreCarlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad is 51%-owned by the Carlsberg Group and started production in Malaysia in 1972. The company has shown an excellent Profitable Growth and ranked at #1 for the whole time period.
Read MoreIn our Top 5 this week, we look at the recent market inversion yield curve, examine the gold versus stocks battle, and learn how knowledge can be a dangerous thing. All this and more…
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